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[Story] Adebimpe the facebook girl (Complete Episode 4)


Adebimpe the facebook girl
[story] Adebimpe the facebook girl (Complete Episode 4)

The story below is an exclusive work of a hardworking writer, by Onihaxy. All forms of reproduction in parts or full without prior written permission of the author is vehemently prohibited. No part of this story may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical or otherwise). Any form of plagiarism will be thoroughly prosecuted. whenever you copy any of our stories to ur friends on whatapp, aways tag it with our website name.

Written By Onihaxy

Episode 1

ME: screamed. “Whaaaaaattttt??????”.

BIMPE: **blocked my mouth** don’t. Scream please, people might be around. You know the wall has ears.

ME: bimpe, why did you hide this from me all this while?

BIMPE: ***crying** onihaxy, why not save that dieing girl first and ask questions later.

ME: ok, where is she now?, where is the doctor and what do I do now?

BIMPE: don’t worry, I will take you to the doctor and tell him you wanted to donate bl0*d for daniella.

ME: what if he ask questions about my relationship with you? Or your family?

BIMPE: don’t worry, I work here, so no one will ask you questions, let’s go.

Bimpe dragged my hands and we ran straight into the hospital, the fellow nurses at the reception were screaming “nurse bimpe!!!, please take it easy!!!!”. We walked straight to the doctor’s office.

BIMPE: ****knocked***
DOC: come in please

BIMPE: hello doctor, please I have seen a donor, please this is him **pointing at me***

DOC: hello young man.

ME: hello sir

DOC: you may take your seat please

ME: thank you sir. ****sat down***

DOC: nurse bimpe, please get me the apparatus, let me screen his bl0*d before transfusion

BIMPE: ok sir, *****left the office****

DOC: ***brought out a paper*****, young man, you can write down you name here and sign at the bottom of the paper.

ME: ***looked at the paper and it looked like a terms and condition paper, I didn’t bother to read I just put my name and signed.** here is it sir.

DOC: ** received it from me *** ok.

BIMPE: ****knocked and opened the door*** here is it doctor.

DOC: ** received it*** bimpe just calm down, you hear

BiMPE: *** trembling** ok sir.

DOC : **pierce my thumb with a needle, placed a “biro ink tube like” pipe on my finger and my bl0*d ascended up the tube for few seconds before removing it from my hand.*** Nurse bimpe!!

BiMPE: sir!!!

DOC: stay here with him, I will be right back

BIMPE: ok sir

DOC: *** opened the door and left***

BIMPE: ***silent, staring at me and trembling***

ME: please calm down bimpe, daniella will be fine and ok

BiMPE: ok ooooo.

I could see the pains and fear in her eyes, bimpe was just walking around up and down, very restless and uncomfortable. Few minutes later, the doctor arrived with a package.

BIMPE: welcome doctor. What’s the result sir.

DOC: well, its good. A very perfect match,

BIMPE: **took a deep breath*** thank God

ME: ***took a deep breadth also***

DOC: young man, please come and lie here ***pointing at the bed inside his office.

ME: lied on the bed and placed my head on the pillow.

DOC: opened the package, brought out a pure water package like substance, a tiny drip pipe and syringe. Inserted the needle inside my hand, hanged the nlylon bag and after few seconds, my bl0*d was flowing inside the nylon for another 4 to 5 mins.

BIMPE: welldone doc.

DOC: ok bimpe. By the way, where is your husband?, is he not back yet?

BIMPE: no sir, but he would be here any moment from now.

DOC: alrite, I’m through. Please get this young man a bottle of malt, he must be weak by now.

The doctor left with the bl0*d package, I stood up from the bed and I was truly weak. My eyes were seriously turning and my legs were shaking.

ME: bimpe, how did the doctor knew that I will be weak?

BiMPE: he tested your bl0*d, so he knew the level of your strength.

ME: so what is he going to do next?

BiMPE: he is taking it to where daniella was admitted.

ME: ok, bimpe, I’m weak

BIMPE: let’s go down to the reception, I will get you a drink to take.

ME: ok,

We walked close to the door, bimpe was holding my waist with one of her hand. She opened the door and we stepped out of the doctor’s office, immediately she shut the doctor’s office door, we saw betty walking towards us with a bag on her hand.

BIMPE: **whispered*** just keep quiet onihaxy, I will do the talking.

ME: ok.

BETTY: aunty bimpe, I have been looking around for you, it was one of the nurses that told me you are with the doctor. Hee!!, onihaxy!!!!, what are you doing here?, how did you get here?, what happened to you?, who brought you here?, why are you looking weak?, please what is going on here?. ****walked towards me and took bimpe’s hands away from my waist while she held me closely***

BIMPE: ***looked at me and blinked her eyes***

BETTY: ***dropped her handbag on the floor****
onihaxy, what’s wrong with you?. Talk to me dear
That was the last thing I heard before I fainted.

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Episode 2..

That was what i heard while I was jerking back to life. I looked around and saw myself on a hospital bed,
“Pele onihaxy, sorry dear!!!” That was what I heard from betty as she held my hands. Betty and a nurse were the only people with me. The nurse later left and I was alone with betty.

BETTY: ***rubbing my head and chest*** pele dear.

ME:***looking into her eyes**, what happened to me?,

BETTY: you fainted for about 40 minutes.

ME: really?

BETTY: yes dear. Thank God you are awake now. Aunty Bimpe said you donated bl0*d to daniella. Thanks so much dear.

ME: you are welcome.

BETTY: but wait onihaxy, how did you get here?, how did you know that daniella was admitted here.

ME: I tried calling your line this morning and it was picked by bimpe, she said there was an emergency and that daniella fell off the stairs, so I rushed down here. On getting to the hospital, I heard she needed bl0*d so I volunteered to donate.

BETTY: that’s very kind of you, thanks so much honey **kissed me***

ME: where is bimpe? how is daniella?.

BETTY: well, daniella is recovering. Aunty bimpe and my brother are with her in her ward.

ME: you mean your brother is around?

BETTY: yes, about 10 minutes ago.

ME: ok.

BETTY: how about tomorrow’s test and interview, will you still be able to attend it?

ME: why not?, I’m fit and strong now.

BETTY: that’s my baby.
**still discussing and the door opens**

BETTY: **looked at the person who entered**** hi brother, onihaxy is awake.

HENRY: thank God, **stretched hand forward** I’m Henry.

ME: **strectched hand too for handshake**, I’m onihaxy.

HENRY: betty told me much about you. And I was told you donated bl0*d for daniella. Thanks so much and Nice meeting you young man.

ME: you are welcome sir.

BETTY: where is Aunty Bimpe?

HENRY: she is with daniella.

BETTY: when will daniella be discharged?

HENRY: the doctor said in 2 to 3 days time.

ME: eeyah. May God heal her

HENRY and BETTY: amen oooo.

HENRY: betty, you can go home with bimpe, I will stay here over the night with daniella.

BETTY: I’m not going anywhere. I’m staying too.

ME: ***turned to Henry***, I won’t be able to stay sir, I have an appointment tomorrow morning and I want to go home and prepare for it.

HENRY: no problem bro, thanks so much.

**the door opened and bimpe entered**

BIMPE: onihaxy!!!, I’m happy you are awake now. How are you? ***walked closer***

ME: I’m fine.

BIMPE: thank God. Well doctor said you can go today that you are fine.

ME: sure, I’m going today, I have an…………

BETTY: ** looked into my eyes and blinked***

ME: ****i got the message that the job should be a secret **** I have an appointment tomorrow morning so I want to go home and prepare.

BIMPE: ok, in that case, I will drive you and drop you off, you know you are weak, you shouldn’t stress yourself so much.

HENRY: very nice idea sweetheart, very thoughtful of you.

BeTTY: ****looked uncomfortable****

HENRY: mr onihaxy, when next are wee seeing you?.

ME: can’t say, maybe tomorrow.

HENRY: we need to have a dinner together when we all return home, and we have one or two things to discuss. **looked into bimpe’s eye and smiled***

ME: ok sir..
Henry returned to daniella’s ward, betty, bimpe and I walked out of the hospital to the car park. I could read clearly the mood on betty’s face. She wasn’t just comfortable.
“Is this girl suspicious of something?”
I hugged her and we said we would chat on phone. I opened the side door of bimpe’s car and we drove off.

BIMPE: onihaxy, thanks so much for today, I never believed that you can be nice to me after all the things I put you through.

ME: you are welcome.

BIMPE: **parked after driving for some minutes**

ME: what’s wrong, is the car faulty?

BIMPE: no, I stopped it and parked.

ME: why?, what happened?.

BIMPE: I want us to discuss a very serious issue.

ME: ok, what is it?

BIMPE: you know things could be complicated here if we are not careful.

ME: I don’t understand.

BIMPE: you know I love my husband and he loves me too,

ME: ok,

BIMPE: the same way you love betty so much and she also loves you too.

ME: ok,

BiMPE: if this secret about daniella should leak out, we will all be in trouble, the four of us. And things will never be the same.

ME: and who is going to leak it?. You or I?.

BIMPE: I can never leak such secret. I have my marriage to protect. But I don’t trust you onihaxy. Not now that revenge is written on your face.

ME: I’m not going to leak anything also.

BIMPE: I want to be rest assured. So I want us to do something today.

ME: and what is it?

BIMPE: I want us to take an oath that our mouth will forever be shut on this issue.

ME: what!!!!!!, oath??????

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Episode 3

]ME: what??????, oath!!!!!!!. Bimpe, why will such idea flood your brain?.

BIMPE: onihaxy, can I have your phone please?.

ME: why?

BIMPE: I want to check something on it.

ME: *** handed over the phone to her****

BIMPE: ***scroll through it** I just want to be sure that this conversation is not recorded.

ME: ***laughed*** you are so funny bimpe.

BIMPE: onihaxy, Come to think of it, how do think betty will feel when she finds out about this secret?.

ME: bad.

BIMPE: do you think she will still go ahead and marry you?

ME: No,

BIMPE: then what is so difficult about what I want us to do?, since its all about securing the person we loved?.

ME: but bimpe, we can still keep the secret without taking oath now.

BIMPE: yes, you are right. We are in good mood as at now. What about tomorrow?, I might offend you or you offend me and any of us might say it out of annoyance. But when we remember we had a oath, we would caution our mouth.

ME: ok, I agreed you are doing this to save yourself. What do I stand to gain out of all these things?, or will I just keep shut for nothing?.

BIMPE: **smiled**, onihaxy, I knew where you are driving at. But I can assure you that you will enjoy a life time benefit from it.

ME: benefits like what and what?,

BIMPE: wealth, money, and so on.

ME: and you expect me to trust you?

BIMPE: trust me this time onihaxy, I have no other option than to be good to you. Your seed is already with me.

ME: so are you trying to tell me that I should forget daniella totally?.

BIMPE: **placed her hands on my cheek** no now onihaxy. You will eventually settle down with betty, raise your own kids and have your own family. So why should daniella be a issue to us?. Just leave her to me and henry. But only you and I know that you are her real dad.

ME: hmmmmm,

BIMPE: onihaxy, common na. This thing isn’t difficult as you portrayed it. What if daniella never had an accident, will you ever find out?, NO!!. So please!!!.

ME: ok, first of all, I want to know. Why did you hide this secret from me all this while?, tell me.

BIMPE: ok, you remembered I told you that I have a boyfriend I was living with in Abuja when we met at the hospital in abuja?.

ME: yes.

BIMPE: it was this same henry, we never lived together though, but he came to visit me that weekend. I had unprotected s#x with both of you on the same day. His own was in the day while yours was during the night.

ME: ok, I’m listening.

BIMPE: so, when I was pregnant, it was difficult to figure out who owned the pregnancy. I told henry about it and he was happy and we got married thereafter.

ME: so how did you know that I own the child?.

BIMPE: when daniella was a year old, henry was sick and he was admitted at the hospital. So I took the chance to run a test on his bl0*d. I did the same test on daniella and I realized that the bl0*d group and genotype was different. That was when I was convinced that you are her dad. Don’t see me as a bad person onihaxy.

ME: hmmmmmmm.

BIMPE: if you could remember vividly, I stopped to be harsh on you at a particular time until you met betty?

ME: yes.

BIMPE: that was when I had the discovery. I felt remorse but I just don’t know how to tell you because I knew you were looking for every means to pull me down.

ME: hmmmmmmmmmm.

BIMPE: onihaxy, please I’m begging of you. Please, let’s make this oath. Please!!!!!,

ME: where are my credentials?, and what of my nudes in your custody?.

BIMPE: I will hand over your credentials to you today, infact, you are getting an automatic job from the family company, a car will be giving to you also, I will make sure I work everything out latest by weekend. Your nudes have been deleted long time ago, you can have my phone and go through it to be sure.

ME: hmmmmmm.

BIMPE: onihaxy please, I’m begging you for heaven’s sake, let’s do this oath please.

ME: ok, give me little time, let me think about it.

BIMPE: onihaxy, why are you prolonging this thing again?, its not worth thinking of, I’m not going to kill you, neither am I going to use you for rituals. Everything won’t take us more than 10minutes please.

ME: and where and how is the oath going to be taken?

BIMPE: at my Aunty’s place. Not too far from here.

ME: ok, I will call you when I get home and I will give you time.

BIMPE: huuuuuuuuh. Please now, let’s do this thing today. Please.

ME: I need to think it over first. I needed time.
***my phone rang and bimpe looked at the screen, it was a call from segun***

BIMPE: did you see my fear now?, your friend must not hear about this please. Ok, should I write a cheque for you?. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Episode 4

[]BIMPE: onihaxy, I’m still waiting for your response.

ME: Adebimpe, you know what?, just give me time, I will get back to you.

BIMPE: no problem,

ME: ok, thanks

BIMPE: you can come down now and take a bus from here.

ME: ****raised eyebrow** why?, have I offended you again?

BIMPE: no, I just have to return to the hospital to check on my daughter.

ME: ok, you are right,

BIMPE: I will call you later.

ME: **held the handle of the door** ok dear.

BIMPE: onihaxy wait,

ME: what is it?

BIMPE: I just want you to realize something, if you go ahead and escalate this issue, the only thing I might loose is my marriage, I have acquired enough to sustain me and keep me moving. Its you that I just pitied, you will have a lot of things to loose, and at the end, you might loose your life.

ME: my life?, are you threatening me bimpe?.

BIMPE: ***laughs*** its not a threat, its a reality. Henry loves daniella so much as if his life depends on her. And when he finds out that he had wasted his time and resources taking care of another man’s child, I know what he can do. Onihaxy, you are not safe.

ME: hmmmmmmm

BIMPE: and lastly, I expect you to be matured enough to realize that its not everything you tell friends.

ME: what do you mean?

BIMPE: did you know that you suffered a lot just because a friend was deciding for you?.

ME: and how is that your business?,

BIMPE: no vex, I’m just letting you to know that sometimes, its good to keep your mouth shut.

ME: I heard you, take care.

BIMPE: wait onihaxy

ME: what is it again?

BIMPE: Henry said I should give you 20,000 for your transport fare, but I decide to add 30,000 on my own as a sign of appreciation, please manage it for us *** brings out a 50 pieces of 1000notes from her bag****

ME: *** Accepted it **** thank you so much, and my regards to your husband. Help me to thank him also.

BIMPE: you are welcome. Your credentials is with me at home, when next you visit us, I will give them to you.

ME: what if betty see us, what will be my explanation?

BIMPE: I think you are right. I will find another means to deliver them to you.

ME: ok, see you some other time.

BIMPE: onihaxy wait!!!!!,

ME: what is it again?

BIMPE: your phone,

ME: oooops, I have forgotten, **collected my phone from her***

As I was about to open the door again, bimpe held my hand, I looked at her, she pulled her head closer and kissed me for like 6 seconds. I was shocked and surprised. and with a grin on her face, she said
“Onihaxy, I just don’t know the reason why, of recent, I find myself loving you again and the feelings are getting stronger day by day”.
On hearing this, my D##k signalled immediately.more at my9jarocks.info
I dropped from her car and proceed to where I board a bus back to oshodi. I began to think of all our conversations and I was like ” is this new love for real?, or another Trap?”. While I was still thinking, sege my nigga called me again…………….

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Episode 5

ME: sege how far?

SEGE: log on to whatsapp jaree.

ME: ok sir
**logged on to whatsapp***

SEGE: how you dey na?, you no dey pick calls since yesterday, abi bimpe don lock you up?,

ME: no be so jaree, just got involved in some things ni jaree.

SEGE: things like what?, you don offend fashola ni?

ME: you no well ni.

SEGE: **laughs** how far with the job interview, hope you have been preparing well for it?.

ME: I dey try my best jaree.

SEGE: better try oooo, you have to upgrade ooo, make you marry this year

ME: I hear you. You nko?, time never reach for you?, atleast you dey blog and also doing importation business, you dey make money pass me times three na, when will you get married too?

SEGE: I still young na. I still dey queue for your back

ME: you no well segun

SEGE: your voice sound somehow, hope no problem?.

ME: nothing jor, just coming from the hospital.

SEGE: hospital kee?, what for?

ME: ***chaii, na who say make I mention hospital sef?, wetin I go tell this guy ooooo”. Eeeeeerhmm, betty is sick and admitted, so I went to check on her.

SEGE: onihaxy, you have finally succeeded in impregnating that girl abi?.

ME: ***laughs***, you no well, its typhoid, and she is getting better.

SEGE: onihaxy!!!!, no be unclean water dey cause typhoid?, how person wey dey live for lekki, drinking cway water go get typhoid?

ME: **chai, I don enter am today***, me sef I don’t know ooooo.

SEGE: onihaxy, you sure say no be abortion you go do for that girl?.

ME: haba segun, trust me na. How I go do that kind thing without involving you na?, you no know say you be my coach and mentor?.

SEGE: so na me dey teach you bad bad things abi?.

ME: I no talk that one ooooo.

SEGE: so how about your concubine?

ME: who?

SEGE: bimpe na.

ME: she dey jaree

SEGE: she don give you your certificates?

ME: no oooo, but she promised to give me later.

SEGE: promised you?, how come?, how you take do am? Abi una don dey relate again?

ME: no ooo, she just said she is tired of fighting and wanted to give up.

SEGE: hmmmmmmm, onihaxy!!!!!

ME: wetin happen na?

SEGE: with this new development, two things are involved oooo.

ME: what and what?

SEGE: its either she wanted a favour from you, or there is a fresher trap ahead of you.

ME: segun sege!!!!.

SEGE: just be careful bro

I was about coming down at oshodi when my phone began to ring, I checked on the caller and it was betty. Amidst the noises at oshodi I picked and strained my ear for the conversation

ME: hello dear

BETTY: hi honey. How are you?

ME: I’m fine,

BETTY: where are you now?

ME: just getting to oshodi.

BETTY: ok dear, thanks so much for today.

ME: don’t mention dear

BETTY: you know I was so amazed today.

ME: amazed as how?, why?

BETTY: you know, despite Aunty Bimpe’s rude and annoying attitudes towards you, you still risk your life helping her and saving her daughter.

ME: that’s life my dear, you don’t pay evil with evil.

BETTY: onihaxy, you don’t get it, I’m talking about someone who doesn’t want you to get a job with the family company and someone who bad-mouthed you saying you were a criminal and armed robber?, someone who so much hated you with passion

ME: I understand dear. But its still not good to pay evil with evil,

BETTY: seriously honey, you amazed me today, I love you more.

ME: I love you too honey.

BETTY: or have you guys officially reconciled?

ME: as how?

BETTY: never mind. So how is tomorrow going to look like?, hope you have fully prepared for the job test?

ME: yeah.

BETTY: ok dear,

ME: how is my daniella?

BETTY: your daniella? Well she is fine and recovering.

ME: hmmm, why did you emphasised what I said?.

BETTY: when you said “your daniella” if her papa catch you, you go explain **laughs**

ME: ****e be like say this girl dey take style dey suspect me ooo*** you are funny. You know I’m already part of the family now, daniella’s Aunt is my wife to be, definitely its our daniella.

BETTY: **laughs*** you are always funny onihaxy

ME: hmmmm. Help me to thank your brother, he gave me T.fare

BeTTY: T.fare?, when?, but I was with you in the hospital throughout and also followed you to the car?

ME: bimpe gave me and said it was from your brother.

BeTTY: ok, maybe they planned it behind me sha. Its good though, its a sign of appreciation.

ME: smile, bimpe even gave me something sef.

BETTY: ***voice changed** really?, hmmmmmmmmmm.

ME: hmmmm what?

BETTY: nothing, but as two strong enemies suddenly became close lately, it amazed me.

ME: ***who say make I talk sef*** na you know ooo.

BETTY: so how much did she give you?

ME: ***silent for a while** not money, she stopped at a store and bought provisions and bl0*d tonic for me.

BETTY: ok, that’s cool

ME: is that the hospital where she works?

BETTY: yes, why do you ask?

ME: I noticed he was so close to all the nurses and the doctor trusted her with his office. Anyways, is she back to the hospital?

BeTTY: yeah, about 25 minutes ago.

ME: ok dear, my regards to her and henry.

BETTY: alright. You will be coming over when daniella is discharged right?

ME: yeah.

BETTY: ok dear, talk to you later.

ME: ok dear bye.

I went straight to the boutique to get a fine shoe and a nice suit jacket with a tie and went back to mushin to prepare ahead for my interview the next day.

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